This app provides current information and news about the company Jägerbau GmbH. With notifications you are always and everywhere up to date. The main business areas of JÄGER BAU are project development, civil engineering and underground construction. In project development, JÄGER deals with the development, planning, construction and sale of high-quality residential, commercial and tourism projects in the best locations as well as the realization and marketing of innovative holiday resorts. JÄGER is successfully involved regionally in the field of structural and civil engineering. JÄGER is a sought-after partner for private builders, the public sector as well as architectural and engineering offices when it comes to the construction of industrial, commercial and public buildings, social facilities, roads and sewage systems as well as special civil engineering tasks. JÄGER is active worldwide in underground mining. This field of activity includes mechanical and conventional tunnel construction as well as shaft and cavern construction. In addition to the tried-and-tested drilling and blasting method, JÄGER relies above all on driving with tunnel boring machines. For more information, visit: